Pricing1h 50 EUR
- 1h 50 EUR
Are you looking for the perfect Asian escort? If so, this girl is probably one that you won't want to skip over. What's so great about her, you ask? Firstly - she's 27 years old and knows exactly what she's doing. Also, she's a passionate babe that can provide you with a whole host of services for a great price. Adaptive, gorgeous and ready for some premium action. We love Black-haired babes and believe that it doesn't get much better than this sexy chick. Do the right thing now and contact her to book a session of intimacy: it's going to be the greatest thing you'll do in Chandīgarh, that's for sure! Message this Black-eyed escort on +91 456 2103 right now. Thanks for using BunnyAgent! 💰 Rates start at 50 EUR
- Posted Sep 17th, 2024
- Age 27
- Height 5'7" (170 cms)
- Weight 123 lbs (56 kgs)
- Language English
- Available To Woman
- Incall Yes
- Outcall Yes
- 1 hour 50 EUR
- Gender Female
- Ethnicity Asian
- Body Type Average
- Breast Size B
- Eyes Black
- Orientation Straight
- Smoker No
- Drinker Yes
- Piercing No
- Pornstar No
- Kitty Shaved
- Webcam No
- Credit Cards No
- Hair Color Black
- Hair length Long
- Bust type Natural
- Travel Yes
- Tattoo No
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